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This is our early batch. Sit available for 20 students each batch. contact us to avail the courese at minimum fees.


Price Options
₹1,700.00every month for 6 months
    1. Professional activitise on Graphics Designes
    2. Adobe Photoshop cs6 profforiional learning
    3. Photo manuputation
    4. Matte painting in photoshop
    5. Professional learning of story scripts story board
    6. Adobe After Effects professional learning
    7. Anchore Point Animation
    8. Professional motion graphics design
    9. 3D matte painting in After effects
    10. 3D & 2D Camera tracking
    11. Rope, Wire removel
    12. Dynamics effect creation in After effetcs
    13. Uses plugins into After effects
    14. Eevelopment of Demo showreel
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